China’s Crackdown on Falun Gong

I was emailed a link to a piece called China’s Crackdown on Falun Gong after posting about the chilling report that China is ‘harvesting’ organs from prisoners:

Nearly a decade after it was outlawed in China, the mysterious movement known as Falun Gong is struggling to survive government persecution. What is the movement about – and why does it frighten Chinese authorities?

The article goes into some detail about the movement’s origins, current status in China, and its philosophy, which is something like a mixture of traditional kung-fu (or tai chi, or qi-gong) and Scientology. It’s worth the read.

3 Responses to “China’s Crackdown on Falun Gong”

  1. “President Bush apologized to President Hu for the Wenyi Wang incident”

    I’m so sorry one of my citizens reminded you that your illegal, immoral policies are repressing people based on their beliefs. I guess we’re just not as good at maintaing order here in America as you are in China.
