Europe Trip 2005 Photos

The Tower

By popular demand, click here to see selected photos from our trip to France and The Netherlands. Use the Previous and Next links at the top to navigate.

Some things might still be kind of screwed up with the software I’m using, let me know if you have any issues. Specifically, the Next link might disappear before you’ve seen all the photos. There are about 47 in all, so if this happens, just click Previous or refresh the page and then go back to the problem photo, the Next link should reappear.

4 Responses to “Europe Trip 2005 Photos”
  1. tim:


    “As a result, it’s no longer legal to publish current photographs of the Eiffel Tower at night without permission. Technically, this applies even to amateurs. When I spoke to the Director of Documentation for SNTE, Stéphane Dieu, via phone last week, he assured me that SNTE wasn’t interested in prohibiting the publication of amateur photography on personal Web sites. “It is really just a way to manage commercial use of the image, so that it isn’t used in ways we don’t approve,” said Mr. Dieu.”

    Great pictures.

  2. Ade:

    And here I thought I was pushing the envelope on the web.

    Thanks for the compliment and the link.

  3. alevo:

    Where’s all the pictures of you getting super high in Amsterdam? Thumbs down. On the other hand, great illegally published photos of the tour eiffel. Thumbs up.

  4. Melanie:

    WOW! What amazing pictures. I almost felt like I was there. Well…
    I really wished I was anyway. That probably would have changed the mood during your romantic picnic.
    Hope to hear the stories that go along with the pictures soon.