They Say the First Year of Marriage is the Hardest

It’s a good thing there’s guidelines.

6 Responses to “They Say the First Year of Marriage is the Hardest”
  1. alevo:

    What’s left?

  2. Man, you guys drive a hard bargain.

    I strive to maintain the rules on that list when arguing, but yelling is like breathing to me…second nature, I don’t even think about it.

    But all in all, Niall and I generally stick to those rules too. He tends to not answer me at times, and then I begin to badger. That’s when things could get ugly…but they don’t.

    I admit it though, yelling is my weakness. Its a good thing that Niall and I only argue once in a blue moon…we’ve had what – 3 arguments since we started dating four years ago?

    I pat myself on the back (but in all honesty, we don’t even live together – ha!)

    Nice profile Ade ;)

  3. oh yeah, one more thing (even though I’m logged in, I don’t know how to edit my comments)

    the last line on that page is pure fromage!!!!!

  4. Ade:

    You should see a tiny ‘e’ at the top of your comment next to the date, clicking it will let you edit your comment. Or, log in to the site admin using the Site Admin link on the right and go to Manage->Comments. (This may or may not work for you). Let me know if you have no luck.