Life Changes When You Have Kids

People always told me that life would change when my wife and I had kids. I never realized just how much.

We adopted a few months ago, because we decided that we just didn’t have the right genes for the kind of kids we were looking for. Originally, we had wanted only one child, because we were aware of the kind of responsibilities that just one child entailed (at least, we thought we were). But when we arrived at the adoption agency, these two little kids stole our hearts.

We’re now the proud parents of two wonderfully snouty, sneaky, racially-mixed children. Theo is black – African-Canadian, I should say – and contrasts nicely with his lighter coloured sibling, Paikea (I never wanted a child named after a movie character, but my wife was adamant).

And life has changed, there’s no doubt about that. Each morning they play outside our bedroom door, waiting for us to wake up – actually, waking us up and waiting for us to let them in. We’ve gotten pretty used to this clamouring for attention, because we’ve learned there’s really only three things you can do with kids: feed them, play with them, and watch them sleep. (We’re a bit progressive, so we let them bathe themselves – they’re perfectly capable, although they do have a bit of an odour at times, in spite of being potty-trained.)

They’ve also inspired me to try and make this world a better place. I know that Theo will face discrimination due to his colour. And I want Paikea to be able to have the same opportunities as everyone else when she grows up – I’m going to do whatever I can to make sure she never hits the glass ceiling.

Most of all, they bring us joy. Each morning, we play a game called the “Make Up The Bed Game”, where one hides under the covers while the other tries to flush them out as I make the bed. I videotaped them yesterday, so why not take a look at the clip by clicking here? (It may take a minute or two to appear, it’s not a streaming video so it will look as though nothing is happening while it downloads.)

If you can’t watch the video for any reason, you can see a picture of our two lovely children here, but try the video first.

5 Responses to “Life Changes When You Have Kids”
  1. gil:

    You had me fooled!

  2. nicole:

    What beautiful children! A bit furry for their age I’d say. It’s facinating how our pets reserve special places in our hearts.

  3. the make-up the bed game was a dead giveaway.

    But why Adrian? Why cats? :P

  4. Ade:

    Well, when it comes to pets, you’re pretty much looking at two options: cats and dogs. All the other pets out there – parrots, snakes, rodents of various types, rabbits, pigs, etc. – seem to have certain drawbacks, whether it’s a bad smell (ferrets), difficulty training (gerbils), lack of personality (snakes, spiders). So although I’m sure many would disagree, the best choices are between these two animals.

    My family had cats before we ever had a dog. The cats and I pretty much ignored each other. I would hang out with them occasionally but they were much more attached to my siblings and my mom. Then we got a dog named Folly. She was a collie-shepherd cross and an absolutely great dog. We hung out all the time, she was incredibly affectionate and fun. When I came home late at night after a bout of drinking, when I walked into the house she’d be quietly waiting to give me a sniff to see what I’d been up to that night (it’s a good thing dogs can’t talk, because with her acute sense of smell I’m sure she could have recounted every sin to my parents).

    Unfortunately, at a young age, she contracted stomach cancer and had to be put down. She was only 6 years old. It was quite tragic, really. I wasn’t living at home any more at the time, but every time I visited home I would always expect to see her nose poking out of the crack of the front door as I opened it (when my dad came home he would always open the door about two inches and call, “where’s the nose?”, she would come running to stick her snout out the door).

    So I thought I was more of a dog person. But cats have certain advantages over dogs, chiefly that they are independent and quite self-sufficient, so getting a couple of kittens was an easy choice to make. And I’ve fallen in love with these two wriggly prickly purring delights. They’re always out for themselves, but I don’t have a problem with that. Their moments when they really do want to hang out are great, and if they spend the rest of their time sleeping, well hey, I know what that’s like.

    There’s something agreeably rodent-like and snouty about Theo, always sticking his cold wet little nose into your hand, regardless of what you’re trying to do (like type) because he wants you to scratch him or squeeze him. Paikea is more of the little princess, she just sits on the floor and looks up at you and you can tell right away she wants you to pick her up. I do and she quietly sits in my hand, surveying her surroundings from the higher vantage point that gives her and purring.

    One thing I’ve learned though – don’t try and sleep on the couch with them around. You won’t get a moments peace. When they’re not catapulting off of you in pursuit of one another, their hot little bodies are laying on your chest in an irritatingly cozy pile. I imagine that in winter time this might be more enjoyable, but in the summertime it’s a recipe for waking up sweating with bits of fur on you. But all in all, they’re great.

  5. Yeah, I’m definitely a dog person. My whole life my family has owned a dog, sometimes two at once. I just love their personalities and how they need me, how they are so happy to have me around and how they know when I need their cuddling. I am absolutely dying to get a dog right now, but I can’t have one in my building. Even if I could have them in my apartment, I would only do it if I could take the dog to work with me a few days a week. A cat would be a better option for me…but its a cat. :P hahaha…I know I know. I just need to get one and I will love him or her to bits. But all want is a dog. I go shopping with girls and they go gaga over babies…I walk right past those babies to the nearest dog. If I got a cat, it would be because I’m settling, and I’d feel bad for the poor little kitty.

    Oh yeah, and their fur bothers my nose too.