“We call it life”

The [tag]Competitive Enterprise Institute[/tag] (CEI), a conservative Washington-based organization funded in part by Exxon Mobil, Ford, the American Petroleum Institute, and other major American corporations, and that exists to fight environmental legislation and regulation, has released two new commercials.

The commercials, which coincide with the release of An Inconvenient Truth, the Al Gore-inspired film about global warming, portray carbon dioxide as “life” with hilarious results. You can watch them on the CEI website.

[tags]An Inconvenient Truth, global warming, climate change, CEI commercials[/tags]

11 Responses to ““We call it life””
  1. Ade:

    From Reddit, where I first found this:

    …fade in…New Orleans after Katrina…

    Narrator: Water. It’s the essence of life. Imagine what your life would be like without water. But now some politicians want to erect levees to keep the water out. Flood-alarmists would like you to believe that water can hurt you. Why are they trying to scare us?

    Water. They call it unimaginable devastation. We call it life.

    …fade out…children frolicking under a sprinkler…

  2. jd:

    I wonder if we had a few ton’s of steaming shit dumped on their front step with a sign: ‘we call it food’ with subtext poop is what we put out, and plants take in to make tomatos, parsnips and beans… some people call it shit, we call it food.

    Bomb the fascist propagandizing fuckwads.
    If I type any more I’ll just sink to new lows of vulgarity.

  3. I’ve posted a full commentary about these ads and the internet frenzy surrounding them at greenr.

    If you look at it, there have been 4 cycles of cooling in warming of +/-5 degrees C over the past 450,000 years, and I’m betting there weren’t CO2 humans to blame back then, so why should they be to blame now?

    We are in the MIDDLE of a warming cycle, that still has +5 degrees C to go. Of course we are seeing global warming.

    See my site for the full details.

  4. Ade:

    “some people call it shit, we call it food”

    That is hilarious.

  5. Ade:

    For more hilarity, check out Gay Mount Everest.

  6. I wrote a counter-ad :::[Carbon dioxide ad – they call it a spot, we call it a stain.] If you like it, link it – maybe some rich person with the psychological need to save the planet will follow your link and fund the production of the ad.

  7. alevo:

    I don’t know much about the science of global warming, or climate patterns in the long durée. I do know a little about politics and business, and how these two overlapping realms of society spin messages for public consumption.

    So, given what I do know about spin, I choose not to believe anything that an oil company, or several oil companies, has to say about global warming.

  8. Friggin’ hilarious!

    I can’t believe what jackasses ExxonMobile are. They will never recieve a dime of my money.

  9. Ade:

    Curt Davis, the primary author of one of the climate change studies referenced in the CEI “we call it life” ads, has released a statement accusing CEI of misrepresenting his research.