Writing like a Madman

I know it seems like I barely write these days, but I assure you, I’m writing more than ever.

The problem is my writing looks like this:

if ($appointment2->recurring) {
$recur_stamp = mktime(0,0,0,$month,$day,$year);
for ($i = 0;$i < $appointment2->recur_weeks;$i++) {
// add 7 days to the recurring date
$recur_stamp = mktime(0,0,0,$month,$day + ($i * 7),$year);
$date = date("m/d/Y", mktime(0,0,0,date("m", $recur_stamp),
date("d", $recur_stamp),
date("Y", $recur_stamp)));
// new appointment
if (!$objAppointments->save()) {
$ret[0] = 0;
$ret[1] = $objAppointments->error[0];
return $ret;
$ret[0] = 1;
$ret[1] = "Booked $i appointments!";
return $ret;

When I finally have the time to start writing stuff that is readable by human beings, I promise to do so. After April 15, things should free up for me.

I hope you’re all doing well and thanks for continuing to drop by.

5 Responses to “Writing like a Madman”
  1. Ade:

    Ever drink so much coffee your hands start to sweat?

  2. alevo:

    Ever drink so much rye you pass out and shit your pants?

  3. Ade:

    Ever smoke so much crack you thought you saw a leprechaun?

  4. nicole:

    $recur_stamp=mktime()//$: – good luck with your work Ade… //C:dos

  5. alevo:

    I wanna know where da gold at?