Acquitted, then sent back to Abu Ghraib

A year after he was shot by US troops in Mosul and then sent to Abu Ghraib, CBS cameraman Abdul Ameer Younis Hussein was acquitted in an Iraqi court today.

A three-judge Iraqi panel ruled there was insufficient evidence against Abdul Ameer Younis Hussein, who was filming the bombing aftermath in the northern city of Mosul when he was apprehended.

The charges against Hussein were never made public but at one point it was said that he could get life in prison if convicted.

After his acquittal, US forces took Hussein back to Abu Ghraib and reimprisoned him, “pending final U.S. military approval of his release”.

If there was any doubt about who’s really in charge in Iraq, the case of this cameraman, who was found innocent on all charges by Iraqi judges and then sent back to prison by the US military, removes it.

Given that the US has sent judicial experts to Iraq to advise on the creation of an independent justice system, the message is clear: “Do as we say, not as we do.”


Writing like a Madman

I know it seems like I barely write these days, but I assure you, I’m writing more than ever.

The problem is my writing looks like this:

if ($appointment2->recurring) {
$recur_stamp = mktime(0,0,0,$month,$day,$year);
for ($i = 0;$i < $appointment2->recur_weeks;$i++) {
// add 7 days to the recurring date
$recur_stamp = mktime(0,0,0,$month,$day + ($i * 7),$year);
$date = date("m/d/Y", mktime(0,0,0,date("m", $recur_stamp),
date("d", $recur_stamp),
date("Y", $recur_stamp)));
// new appointment
if (!$objAppointments->save()) {
$ret[0] = 0;
$ret[1] = $objAppointments->error[0];
return $ret;
$ret[0] = 1;
$ret[1] = "Booked $i appointments!";
return $ret;

When I finally have the time to start writing stuff that is readable by human beings, I promise to do so. After April 15, things should free up for me.

I hope you’re all doing well and thanks for continuing to drop by.


Temple Kung Fu locations in Ontario close

If you’d like more information on the sudden closure of the four TKF locations in Ontario, you may visit the page I have created for that purpose, Temple Kung Fu Ontario Closes.

(Note to my regular readers: there’s no reason you’d find this interesting, I made this post to get the information indexed.)


“One of the Great Things about America”

George Bush with another memorable quote:

One of the great things about America, one of the beauties of our country, is that when we see a young, innocent child blown up by an IED, we cry.

(An IED is an Improvised Explosive Device, which is military jargon for a roadside bomb, a common weapon used by Iraqi insurgents.)

Life, politics, code and current events from a Canadian perspective.

Adrian Duyzer
Email me


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Director, Web Division at

