Winter is Here?

I duck out of my home office for a second and step outside to get my mail. Along with a couple of bills there’s a nice-looking flyer for a retirement home (delivered contrary to the large NO FLYERS label on our mailbox). It says “Winter is Here” in bold letters on a background of a snowy winter scene.

I look around.

The sun is shining and the air is warm. Birds chirp in a nearby bush. In our garden weeds are growing happily. Scattered clumps of tulips and daffodils are sprouting.

A large red and black beetle strolls across the sunbaked porch and heads for the flowerbox, where more plants are sprouting. I feel like laying back and getting a tan.

This is southern Ontario on January 19, 2006.

Whatever happened to winter?

5 Responses to “Winter is Here?”
  1. alevo:

    Stephen Harper’s the anti-christ.

  2. Ade:

    Ha ha ha ha ha

  3. Some of our flowers are starting to bud. Our neighbour’s garden is sporting little daffodils that toss their heads gaily in the spring – uh, winter – breeze.

    Who knew winter in southern Ontario would be an early casualty of global warming?

  4. Tim:

    Paul Martin accidentally sacrificed Stephen Harper on the Stone Table.

    …that is, if anyone else older than 12 saw Narnia.