Inside New Orleans, Volunteers Save Survivors

This video is a fascinating look at what’s happening in New Orleans on the ground. A lot of the information you get comes from outside the city, but this is from right inside, as volunteers manning boats venture into submerged neighbourhoods looking for survivors. Click here to watch.

3 Responses to “Inside New Orleans, Volunteers Save Survivors”
  1. black-eyed junco:

    hello- i always enjoy seeing what’s new on the ade blog !!!

    As for the Katrina events: check out the crooksandliars.com website. especially worthy of a ‘critical thoery’-type laugh is the video clip taken from The Daily Show. laugh-out-loud material! /also/ the talkleft.com site’s got the footage from Kanye West’s original broadcast (before it was censored on the west-coast broadcast) [regarding bush’s neo-conservative negligence for the poor/non-white] . hopefully it is well distributed across the web.

    thanks for the interesting posts – :)

  2. Ade:

    You’re right, that video is pretty entertaining. Here is a direct link for anyone who’s interested.